8 Free International Calling Apps for Android – VoIP


These days you can call anyone on this planet having a smartphone with an internet connection. There are so many VoIP (voice-over Ip ) apps that let you call your loved ones across the globe free. These apps provide free and cheap international calls to you. to make free international calls you just need a good internet connection and a smartphone. There are many free international calling apps for Android that provides you free online calling no matter where is another user on this globe.

What is VoIP (Voice Over IP)?

VOIP is an acronym for Voice Over Internet Protocol, or in simple language, it is phone calling service over the internet. nowadays if you have a smartphone, it may be android or iPhone, and a good internet connection then you can make free phone calls online. There are many apps that are free as well paid and provide you a good VoIP service. in countries like India Jio has started a free phone calling service to its users over VoIP. users just need to pay for the data.

8 Free International Calling Apps for Android – VoIP

[label type=”label-success”]
[/label]  Skype

The first and most widely used app is Skype. It provides the best international calling experience to its users.Its main feature is that you can use Skype on any device Android, iPhone, laptop. Skype provides you free calling to people on skype. To actually call to another phone which is not on skype you have to purchase some credits. though this is the best ways you can call any international number over the internet. Along with voice calling skype provides chats video calls to its users free. Skype also has its business plans and lite app for android

skype - Free International Calling Apps for AndroidSkype lite -Free International Calling Apps for Android

[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download Skype – free IM & video calls” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skype.raider” linkrel=””]

[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download Skype Lite – Free Video Call & Chat” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skype.m2″ linkrel=””]

[label type=”label-success”]
[/label]  Whatsapp

There is no need to introduce you to WhatsApp. Whatsapp is the most used messaging app these days 1.3 billion active monthly users all over the world. in recent updates WhatsApp introduced a new calling feature and video calling feature to its users. This allows you to make free international calls to any WhatsApp user in the world. if you are using WhatsApp then you don’t need to use another special app for video calling. Actually, WhatsApp voice calls are way better than expected and they are improving it day by day to provide better and cheaper international calls. So it is one of the best international calling apps for android.

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Whatsapp - Free International Calling Apps for Android

[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download WhatsApp Messenger” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whatsapp” linkrel=””]

[label type=”label-success”]
[/label]  Google Duo

Google Duo is the highest quality one-to-one video calling app as well as voice calling app. It’s simple, reliable and works on both iOS and Android phones. its the best video as well as voice calling app as stated by the google. it is launched at the end of 2016.it is the simple app to use. you just have to download it and signup using your phone and done. You can use this app to make a free international voice call all over the world. but there is one condition that the other user should have Google duo installed having an account on it. The audio quality is great.

Google Duo - Free International Calling Apps for Android

[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download Google Duo” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.tachyon” linkrel=””]

[label type=”label-success”]
[/label]  Facebook Messenger

facebook is the biggest social networking community in the world. facebook has its own standalone messaging app that provides messing service. but Facebook Messanger now provides free VoIP calls to any user on the facebook. it also provides high-quality video calls. for using facebook messenger as a free international calling app you just have to create a facebook account and install Messenger app on your android phone from below link. and you are ready to make free online phone calls. facebook messenger also has two type – one is  Facebook Messenger and one is Facebook messenger lite.
facebook messenger -Free International Calling Apps for Androidfacebook messenger lite - Free International Calling Apps for Android
[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download Messenger Lite: Free Calls & Messages” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facebook.mlite” linkrel=””]
[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download Messenger – Text and Video Chat for Free” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facebook.orca” linkrel=””]

[label type=”label-success”]
[/label]  Google Hangouts

Hangouts is another free alternative from Google which is widely used for free international calling. To make free online phone calls you just have to download hangouts app on your android device and a gmail account. the next person you are calling should have hangouts on his phone or hangout client on PC. you just have to enter the username or email id if that person and there you are ready to make free internation voice call.

Also Read  Must Have Google Apps for every Android Device

hangouts dialer is another outstanding app from google which lets you call any inernationa number right from the hangouts Dialer without using your cell plan minutes. Most calls to US and Canada are free! Connect with your Google Voice number to make VOIP calls in the Hangouts app from your Google Voice number.

you can checkout Hangout dialer Calling Rates here – http://www.google.com/hangouts/rates

hangouts - Free International Calling Apps for AndroidHangouts dialer - Free International Calling Apps for Android

[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download Hangouts” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.talk” linkrel=””]

[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download Hangouts Dialer – Call Phones” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.hangoutsdialer” linkrel=””]

[label type=”label-success”]
[/label]  Viber

viber is specifically started as a free phone calling service using VoIP but soon it provided many features such as text messages chats video calls like any other apps mentioned in this post. viber is now a messenger that allows you to make free international calls. if your purpose is just voice call over VoIP and you are looking for free international calls then you can consider viber.

Viber - Free International Calling Apps for Android

[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download Viber Messenger” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.viber.voip” linkrel=””]

[label type=”label-success”]
[/label]  imo

imo provides you end to end encrypted free online phone calls ovr your 2G 3G 4G network. imo has gained lots of populrity since last 2 years. along with free voice calls it provides a good video calls if you are having a slow connection.

imo - Free International Calling Apps for Android

[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Download imo free video calls and chat” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imo.android.imoim” linkrel=””]

[label type=”label-success”]
[/label]  Line

line is another app that lets you call anyone in this world having line app install in their phone. it provides great VoIP service. Along with VoIP Line also has chat features with cool stickers. if you are the one who loves to chat with stickers and regularly wants to make calls free then you can checkout line app. It also has two version Line and Line Lite app.

Line - Free International Calling Apps for AndroidCover art

[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download LINE: Free Calls & Messages” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.naver.line.android” linkrel=””]

[button style=”btn-success btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-download” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download LINE Lite: Free Messages” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.linecorp.linelite” linkrel=””]

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